Open an account to collaborate with leading Independent Podcast Producers.

Unlock the biggest freelance marketplace for podcasts. Register for an account to access our extensive directory and job board, which will open up a world of opportunities.

Hire Podcast Producers and studios behind iconic brands and podcasts.

Make an account to gain access to our hiring process's hassle-free tools and directory. aims to simplify the process of selecting the ideal freelancer, regardless of your hiring experience. To that end, we offer you three methods for locating freelancers:

Post a Job to our freelancer job Board

Posting a project on our job board is the most popular way to find podcast producers. Freelancers will be notified about your project.

Look through the directory and make direct contact.

Browse through our podcast professional directory, which has hundreds of freelancers, if you want to have more control over your search for podcasters. Examine portfolios and send direct messages to the independent contractors

Engage our HR specialists to locate the ideal freelancer for you.

You can take advantage of our concierge service, where one of our experts will locate the freelancer for you, if you are new to freelancing or simply need someone to do the legwork in finding the right podcast producer.

We can help you regardless of where you are in the process of starting or where you are headed.

Regardless of where you are in your business journey or how frequently you plan to hire freelancers, we offer flexible memberships to meet your needs. We provide straightforward yearly memberships or service fees. There are no success fees.


Excellent for one-time projects or new hires. Place a job posting on our job board to attract applications from interested freelancers.

Podworks Pro

Business Pro is meant for more extensive, ongoing projects.Acquire complete access to our freelancer directory and validate your account on


For people who have never hired freelancers before, concierge is ideal. We can help you with everything. Reviewing candidates, helping with interviews, and discussing their proposals with you are all included in this.

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